Double the Legacy Baked Macaroni and Cheese
I entered a recipe contest, you guys. The contest, which I heard about at the Food & Wine Conference in Orlando a couple of months ago, was sponsored by Cabot Cheese to help publicize their Farmer's Legacy Cheddar Cheeses. The Beloved and I had had one of the Farmer's Legacy cheeses, White Oak Cheddar, long before I even heard about this contest. I even used the White Oak Cheddar in the Envy Apple Salad I posted a few months ago, although I didn't name it then since it was a sponsored post for the fine New Zealand fruit folks. And now you know. The contest challenged entrants to use at least 2 ounces of one of Farmers' Legacy Cheddar Cheeses in an update to a family recipe, and I chose to update my mom's baked macaroni and cheese. I'm a huge macaroni & cheese fan. Show me yours!