Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Cranberries
When I was a kid, there was a ventriloquist that would be at pretty much every community event around town. He was awful and I hated him (you could totally see his mouth move - plus his doll looked like a kid that I went to school with and didn't like very much), but his act was geared toward kids so I saw him a million times. Anyway, he would always tell this gross joke: what's the difference between brussels sprouts and boogers? (kids won't eat brussels sprouts). I told you it was gross. I'm pretty sure it was because of that joke that I never liked brussels sprouts. I mean, not only did I have to think about boogers every time I ate them (obviously I still do), but it made me think that kids weren't supposed to like brussels sprouts. I don't know what changed my mind... I think one day a few years ago I just felt like having them. Maybe I saw a picture of the in a food magazine or something and realized that the darn things actually looked pretty good. Whatever it was, I bought some and you know what? I loved them! And luckily Shawn did too, so its always a nice option when we're looking for a vegetable that's a little different.[....]