Allrecipeshere Facebook0 Google+0 Twitter0 Pinterest0 LinkedIn0 Garlic Pickles Recipe Indian | ?????????????????? ??????????????? ?????? ???????????? ?????????????????? ?????????????????????: ?? Cup of Garlic Cloves (Peeled) | (???/???) ????????? ?????? ??????????????? ?????? ????????? (???????????? ?????????) 1 tsp of Red Chilly Powder | ??? ???????????? ??????????????? ????????? ??????????????? ?????? ??????????????? 1 tsp of Turmeric Powder | ??? ???????????? ??????????????? ??????????????? ?????? ??????????????? ?? tsp of fenugreek seeds (roasted grind) | ???????????? ???????????? ???/??? ????????? ??????????????? (??????????????? ????????? ?????????) 1 tsp Roasted Cumin Powder | ??? ???????????? ??????????????? ???????????? ???????????? ?????? ??????????????? ?? tsp of Asafoetida | ??????????????? ??????????????? 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