Easy Cold Brewed Coffee
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Iced coffee is one of my favorite summer drinks.  In fact, I'm enjoying a glass right now.  While I love iced coffee, I don't love paying coffee shop prices - over $3 a cup here!  You can make this batch of Cold Brewed Coffee for less than a dollar - about 50 cents to be exact.  Who doesn't love saving a little coin while enjoying an awesome treat?! You can certainly use leftover coffee if you have it, but I prefer using a cold brew coffee because of the smoother taste.  I promise you will LOVE this easy Cold Brewed Coffee. Calling it a "recipe" seems a bit of a stretch because it's so easy to make.  I usually "brew" & store my Cold Brewed Coffee in quart-sized mason jars, and the proportions of this recipe work perfectly for the quart sized jars.  The mixture does need to brew for about 12 hours, so you will need to plan ahead.  You can easily adjust the quantity of this recipe by increasing/decreasing the proportions - use ¼ ground coffee per 1 cup of water.  I'm thinking it would be awesome to fill a sun tea jar with this brew.  I hope you enjoy this as much as I do! Easy Cold Brewed Coffee