Seven Layer Taco Dip ~Are you a dipper? Come on, now and be honest. I'll even go first. I am a dipper from WAY back! It started with warm cookies. Then Oreos, separated of course. Moved on up to donuts, toast with my hot chocolate, and now veggies and snacks are all fair game! I have recently developed an insatiable appetite for Mexican fare. I just can't get enough. After all, all the main food groups are there. Veggies, dairy, beans, grains, more veggies. And the dippers! Great with nachos, pita chips, fritos, just about anything. I think dipping is a comfort action. When I am cold, sick, depressed, or anything, I still dip my grilled cheese in a mug of steaming tomato soup. How do you dip? Leave your answers in the comment sections and I will be sure to try them!