Zucchini Pepper-Jack Cheese Soup
(function(a,h,a_,l,o,g,y){ /* 2b9ca1c at 2013-12-11 18:48:24 +0000 */ window[a_]={c:o,b:g,u:l};var s=a.createElement(h);s.src=l,e=a.getElementsByTagName(h)[0];e.parentNode.insertBefore(s,e); })(document,'script','_ahalogy','//w.ahalogy.com/',{}); BRR!! I never thought I would see the day that I would want to get away from the cold. This snow in Boulder has dropped the temperature in my house to below 60 and I am freezing! If you are feeling the cold of
Ingredients: onion, carrot, garlic, zucchini, thyme, saltpepper, pepper jack cheese, low fat milk,