Grilled Shrimp with Avocado Butter

Hey everyone!  Thanks for stopping in here today!  I'm lucky to have you!  ;)

We have had the craziest weather here these past few went from tank top & flip flop weather, to down coats and winter boots in a matter of 2 days.  Right now as I write this, it's snowing.  A lot.  Enough already Mother Nature...we get the picture.  Winter is pretty, and it is only April, and we do live in Canada, but blah blah blah, bring on the sun and green grass!  We're more than ready and deserving!

So what's a girl to do with this nastiness?  Well cook something festive...let's eat Mexican!  Mexican food is hands down my favourite type of food.  I love everything about it:  the ingredients, spices, flavours!  And the fact that for a small blip in time I'm swept away somewhere beautiful and hot!  Ahhhhhh

This dish does just that!  Get swept away with a Mexican flavour explosion with
Grilled Shrimp with Avocado Butter