Kale - Artichoke and Avocado Salad | Easy Meals
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The most famous collard today hoy is KALE. KALE is in fashion today, it is considered one of the most nutritive vegetables and at the same time, it is underutilized. It is called “col verde”, “col crespa” “col rizada” o “berza” in Spanish. Kale is a close relative of broccoli, cauliflower and Brussel Sprouts. The one famous spinach that Popeye made even more well-known was unseated by kale and today kale is the queen of green produce. Many of us are just discovering kale and are incorporating it to our daily Cooking Easy Meals. Others consider it really popular as they are taking care of their bodies and their health. Kale is exceptionally rich in nutrients and very beneficial to our health as well as that has an exotic flavor. I knew of kale only as garnish and always saw it at buffet tables for its rich green color and curly tips which makes it very decorative, I didn’t even know that you could eat it until recently when all this boom about it! Today is utilized in all dishes like salads, juices, soups, rice, just, let your imagination run wild! I have today a delicious, simple and easy to prepare salad with kale, artichoke and avocado. Three perfect ingredients, if you are thinking about taking care of your health. As I mentioned before, Kale has great health benefits, artichokes are very filling and high in fiber and avocados have beneficial oils for your health.