Polenta Breakfast Bowl
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I have a really cool post to share with you today! I'm participating in Food Blogger Central's very first Blog Hop. What's a Blog Hop? A group of bloggers make a dish from the blogger noted directly above them in a list - that way everyone makes a dish and everyone has one of their dishes made. It's a great way to get to know other bloggers and reach out to knew people. Pretty cool, huh?! I love savory breakfasts, so when I saw Kim's incredible Polenta Breakfast Bowl from Feed Me Seymour, I knew I had to make it! I never would have thought to make polenta a part of breakfast, but when I was a kid my father frequently made Breakfast Fried Rice, so a Polenta Breakfast Bowl made total sense to me. Looking at Kim's photographs, she has the bowl sitting on a napkin with red polk-a-dots. I thought hmm.... those kind of look like little tomatoes. I bet some roasted tomatoes would be nice. I also had some turkey sausage in the fridge, so I added some of that as well.