Swirled Shrimp and Grits
I think I am pretty firmly on record with my love for shrimp and grits. Sweet and tender shrimp, creamy dreamy grits, a hint of naughty heat somewhere in there with a dash of hot sauce or some minced shallots...you know what I'm talking about. My only teeny, weeny quibble with the whole shrimp and grits experience is that since it is the ultimate in comfort food, I want to eat all of it with a SPOON. Comfort food = spoon. And with traditional shrimp and grits you do need to spear those shrimpies with a fork, and maybe even cut them with a knife. And then one day when I was making my favorite shrimp dip - the one that involves chopping up the shrimp in the food processor to make it all dip-like - it occurred to me. I could do the same thing with the shrimp with grits! I could chop them up and swirl them in and then I would truly have the ultimate shrimp and grits comfort food experience! So I did.