Herbal Sleep Punch
When it comes to curatives that enhance restful sleep, hot drinks aren’t the only answer. In fact, I’m especially fond of cool liquids when sleep seems miles away. Toss out the sleeping pills: A punch made from herbal teas and botanical gin can relieve sleeplessness, even when it feels as if nothing could bring you a single step closer to the land of Nod. This cocktail combines infusions of herbs known to relax the sleep-deprived, and traditional apothecaries would have been well versed in their benefits. Chamomile, an anti-inflammatory, has been used as an antidote to anxiety for centuries, while lavender is said to gently ease irritating sleep disturbances. Fennel helps to keep digestion on track. A dose of botanical gin and lime juice bind the infusions together into a gentle tipple that will help turn off the lights for even the most dedicated insomniac. - Warren Bobrow