Princess Cake
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Princess Cake, or Prinsesstarta, is a beautiful Swedish cake served for most any special occasion. It is recognizable by its dome shape covered with a blanket of green marzipan, a bit of chocolate decoration, and a marzipan flower in the center. Watching this cake being made on the Great British Baking Show, I had to try my hand at making this beautiful cake. My marzipan may not look at refined as it should, but this cake is oh-so delicious. A Princess Cake is made with 3 layers of sponge cake filled with pastry cream, whipped cream, and fruit filling, a dome of whipped cream, and finally covered with green marzipan. Add a bit of chocolate decoration on top of the marzipan and place a marzipan rose in the center for the completed look. I also choose to add marzipan leaves around the base of the cake to give the bottom edge of finished look. This cake has several components and I recommend making the Pastry Cream, Raspberry Filling and Marzipan the day before to have ready to assemble the following day.