Easy Paella
There is a reason why I am calling this reason Easy Paella, and it is this: Paella Is Easy. For ages and ages I suffered from Paella Intimidation, which is the completely unreasonable fear of making one of my favorite rice and seafood dishes because, I don't know, it looked HARD. And then I bucked up and made it, and guess what? Not. Hard. Nope, it's one of the easier fancy dinners I have ever made...so fancy in fact that I now make it on regular old Thursday nights, because it's basically just a matter of tossing some rice in a pan with broth and white wine and some seafood and veggies and whatever else catches your fancy, paella-wise, and letting it all simmer together until it is done. When I think of all the paella I haven't eaten in my lifetime due to Paella Intimidation...well, let's not think about that after all. Instead let's make some!