A Blackout Cake is known for it's filling of chocolate pudding. Shirl's Brooklyn Blackout Cake has four main components: Devil's Food Sheet Cake, Old-Fashioned Chocolate Pudding for the filling, Bittersweet Chocolate Glaze for the icing on the cake, and fine chocolate cake crumbs that completely cover the cake. This may seem daunting, but assembly of the cake will be easy if you make the components ahead of time, the day before or even several days before.The Devil's Food Cake recipe is like an old-fashioned mayonnaise cake, one that I have made many times because it is so good. The mayonnaise and the instant coffee are two unexpected ingredients that help make the cake wonderfully moist and chocolate-y. When you are making the cake, it is hard not to snack and nibble. YIELD: MAKES TWO 6" x 3" (15 cm x 7.5 cm) DIAMETER CAKES - 4 LAYERS EACH