Persimmon Pudding Cake
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This recipe from Greg of Sippitysup is fantastic! I hope you’ll consider this Persimmon Pudding Cake. Because I realize many people aren’t sure what to do with persimmons. Some people even claim to dislike them. It's true persimmons can be confusing. You see there are 2 types. Fuyu persimmons are squat like a bright orange tomato and are eaten while crunchy. They are great simply sliced and eaten out of hand. But they also shine in winter salads. It’s the other type of persimmon, Hachiya, that has convinced folks that they don’t, can’t or won’t eat persimmons. Hachiya are more acorn shaped, more red than orange– and are abruptly tannic when under-ripe. Grimace your face and run from the room tannic. Hachiya persimmons must be squishy soft before eaten. At that point their flesh is like jelly. You can cut one in half and spoon its soft sweetness into your mouth. You can freeze them and do the same thing– enjoying them like the sweetest most exotic sorbet imaginable.