South Carolina Style Pulled Pork because we are always in the mood for some good pulled pork sammies and with it going on sale how could we not! Hands down this may be the best we’ve ever done with a “Kiss of Smoke” from Pacific Pellets Smoked Gourmet blend in the hopper and Northwest Apple pellets in the smoke tube. We did a few things different on this 14 hour cook. In the past I would foil at the stall, but not tonight. And I mopped it with our South Carolina-Style Mustard Barbecue Sauce every hour or so. It was pull apart tender, smoky and juicy. We injected it with Butcher BBQ Pork injection that has won more than a few world championships. Now we know how they won and you will, too. Then, we did a thin coat of our South Carolina Mustard BBQ Sauce with a dusting of Butcher BBQ Honey Rub. Off The Hook Great!!!