Cheese & garlic-filled mushrooms
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I love mushrooms of any kind. They are a great source of healthy nutrients and should be included in everyone’s diet. In this post, I like to share my favorite mushroom recipe, but before we start with the recipe, let’s learn a few short nutrient facts about the mushrooms, as well as, the health benefits of mushroom consumption. Mushroom Nutrient Facts Good macronutrients – Dietary fiber, Protein No bad macronutrients – Fat, Sugar, Cholesterol Vitamins – B complex vitamins, Vitamin D and Vitamin C Minerals – Iron, Calcium and Zinc Antioxidants - Mushrooms are a great source of antioxidants, because along polyphenols and selenium, which are found in other plants, they contain antioxidants found only in mushrooms, such as ergothioneine, which is recognized by scientist as a “master antioxidant”. Antibiotics –streptomycin, tetracycline and also penicillin are made from fungal extracts. Health Benefits Of Mushroom Consumption The above-mentioned nutrient facts are very important for a healthy diet and boosting the immune system, hence making the mushrooms a super food. Here are the benefits from including 4-5 medium sized mushrooms in your daily diet: Improved nutrition: Mushroom consumption results with better diet quality and improved nutrition. Improved immune system: The long chain polysaccharides, especially the alpha and beta glucan molecules, are the key factors for boosting the human immune system. Easier weight management: The substitution of red meat with white button mushrooms has proven to enhance weight loss. The participants in the study were obese people with a mean age of over 48 years. One group of the participants ate a standard diet without mushrooms, while the other group ate 4-5 medium sized mushrooms per day, instead of meat. At the end of the one-year study, the group that ate mushrooms lost an average of 3.6 percent of their starting weight, also showing improvements in body composition i.e. reduced waist circumference and also ability to maintain their weight loss. The second group didn’t show any improvements in the same fields. This is one of my favorite because it is easy to make, it is cheap and very delicious. It was given to me by a dear friend, while I was on a healthy diet, trying to slim down few pounds, improve my immunity and overall health. Since then I am preparing it at least twice a week. The best thing is that you don’t need anything special, because even if you are not in your kitchen, you can prepare it on fire if you have a nice campfire. Easy, delicious and the perfect canapés. Add parsley and mustard to the filling to give it an extra kick of flavour. This recipe serves 4 people and will take around 20 mins to prepare and cook. If you're making these for a party we'd recommend doubling the recipe. This recipe uses Portobello mushrooms but you can use chestnut mushrooms instead. These stuffed mushrooms are best made on the same day you plan on serving them as they're best fresh. As they're so quick to rustle up this shouldn't be a problem! You can prepare them in advance and then all you have to do is pop them in the oven when guests arrive. l pan with a matching lid. Check out this delicious recipe!