Donna Hay's Chocolate Caramel Slice
Prep Time
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.. and ready to eat This slice is very quick and easy to make but there are a couple of things that need mentioning. The base is very thin ... and I like that ... it gives you a base that is not going to overshadow the caramel and chocolate topping, but being so thin it can be hard to spread over the whole base of a slice tin 30cm x 10cm. The easiest way I do this is place the mix into the tin, and with a spoon cut into it spreading it roughly all over the base. I then use my fingers to press the mix into the tin leaving no gaps (dip your fingers in a little flour if necessary to prevent sticking), before doing a final smoothing out with the back of the spoon. This way you get an nice even base that will look very professional when you cut the slice. Whilst the base is cooking I start on the caramel topping so that it is ready to pour over the base when it comes out of the oven. When you pour the caramel filling into the tin, it is a good idea to have your baking paper pressed back so that it doesn't accidentally drop into the filling, so I use two small bulldog clips to do this ... see pictures below to see what I mean. They can be removed after baking and before pouring on the chocolate topping. I like the slice to sit at room temperature for an hour (so that it is still warm) before pouring on the chocolate ... the warmth of the slice makes it easier for the chocolate to spread into the corners whilst you move the tin around to help that happen. If necessary you can use the back of a spoon to help spread the chocolate over the top. It then goes into the fridge to get cold before cutting into desired pieces. I like to cut the slice into 24 x 5cm pieces ... I do this by using a knife to lightly mark 5cm widths into the edges, before running my ruler over the top marking where I need to cut ... this helps me get pieces that are nice and even.