Soft Gingerbread Loaf
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... and enjoying the moment! If you say "gingerbread" to me, you have got my attention! I love gingerbread, the spicier the better ... but I know that is not for everyone, and some would prefer a milder flavour than one that hits you between the eyes. And this recipe is for those people. It is inspired by a post I saw on Call Me Cupcake ... it is a truly beautiful looking cake, but when I made it I found the amount of icing so rich, that it took away any flavour of the cake. Like all of us, I ended up playing with the recipe to get the flavour and texture that I like ... and this is the end result. This makes a beautiful loaf, simply dressed with a little icing sugar if you like, or left plain. It keeps well at room temperature for a few days so can be made in advance ... but if you do that you might possibly eat it all before your guests arrive which can be an issue ... but then you will have to make another one! It is so quick to do, I am sure you won't mind ...