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Let me start by saying, sometimes I make bad bread. Taste may be good but something is displeasing to me. For
Posted 10 years ago
Now that is a mouthful of a title don't ya think? That is exactly what they are though. Chocolate chip, coconu
Posted 10 years ago
It is funny, when I started thinking about making this loaf I was going to make a challah. Then I realized we
Posted 10 years ago
My oldest daughter just had a birthday and I cried. Well, maybe I didn't cry but she turned 7 and I cannot bel
Posted 10 years ago
I love my cast iron skillet. Doesn't get used as much as I would like but it does get its use. It gets used fo
Posted 10 years ago
You read the title correct. Sourdough brownies. And yes, they are fudgy and incredibly yummy. If you haven't m
Posted 10 years ago
Sometimes I want to just call this a pie or even a tart. I do bake them in a tart pan and they are very much l
Posted 10 years ago
This bread is so full of whole grains and organic ingredients and tastes wonderful. I even threw in a little t
Posted 10 years ago
These tasty little gems were a winner for sure. My youngest daughter helped make these too which, of course, m
Posted 10 years ago
Check this out! A sweet dessert made with...tofu. Yep, a smooth and creamy mousse without any eggs. What I rea
Posted 10 years ago
You may know that I just posted a recipe about how to make no-bake granola which used oats and flax seeds. Obv
Posted 10 years ago
I love beer and I love cake and I put them together! Doesn't really seem like I need to say more about this re
Posted 10 years ago
I can't tell you how excited I am about this pizza. This was an idea that had been churning for almost two wee
Posted 10 years ago
Having granola is so convenient isn't it? It can be used with yogurt or pour milk over it and have cereal. And
Posted 10 years ago
I have a confession, I hate making pie crusts. Like, really hate making them. But, I sure do love eating pies!
Posted 10 years ago
There has been a major resurgence of whole grains in the last few years. Not just baking but I have been readi
Posted 10 years ago
First, let me say I am so happy to bring this recipe to you because it came as a suggestion from the House of
Posted 10 years ago
Remember when you were young in grade school and you made a special project to take home? You know, you were t
Posted 10 years ago
I did something really crazy. Must have been a brain lapse. Want to know what it is? OK, well, I signed up for
Posted 10 years ago
I did not set out to create a cranberry bread like this when I bought the cranberries but my original plans di
Posted 10 years ago
So, what if I told you you can make ice cream without eggs, without a churn, and it still be a thick and cream
Posted 10 years ago
Here is another dish that has become a favorite of mine that uses that bread that is just beyond fresh. I bake
Posted 10 years ago
Whew, say that title 5 times fast. When I told my wife about the taste of this semolina sesame seed sourdough
Posted 10 years ago
Sourdough, even a simple country loaf, is already packed with so much wonderful flavor but how do you make it
Posted 10 years ago
Born and bred in the southern states, I grew up eating cornbread with all sorts of meals. Cornbread with chili
Posted 10 years ago
Several  days ago my wife made chocolate chip cookies. I LOVE her chocolate chip cookies. Never even thought
Posted 10 years ago
It's that time of year when the world falls in love with...gingerbread. Alright alright...I won't go all chees
Posted 10 years ago
Bread and beer share so many similarities. They both use grains, water, and yeast. They both go through a ferm
Posted 10 years ago
Bread. Cheese. Those two words will get my attention quite quickly. I do not consider myself to be a connoisse
Posted 10 years ago
What would you do if baking is the thing you do most in the kitchen then your oven stops working? I tell you w
Posted 10 years ago
My wife and I love chocolate! Who doesn't right? I mean, if you don't you're probably from another part of the
Posted 10 years ago
I recently made a post about adding seeds to a loaf of bread and thought I really should give you a recipe for
Posted 10 years ago
For someone who bakes all the time there was a disaster in my kitchen, my oven died! I was preheating to get r
Posted 10 years ago
This recipe was inspired by my 5 year old daughter who said she wanted a pumpkin cake with chocolate frosting.
Posted 10 years ago
OK, maybe the title is a little cheesy but it is funny right? Besides, when you try this recipe you will forge
Posted 10 years ago
Coffee and cake, I really do not know much that goes better together than these two. But, when I get to add so
Posted 10 years ago