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I have never liked carrot cake for one reason and one reason only: I hate cream cheese. I don't like it on bag
Posted 8 years ago
I have seen cauliflower wings recipes for quite some time now, but I have always been a little skeptical to tr
Posted 8 years ago
I get a lot of inspiration for the recipes that I make from non-vegan food blogs. One day I was scrolling thro
Posted 8 years ago
I am home from college for the summer, and my parents are completely renovating the main level of our house, i
Posted 8 years ago
The last time that I had french toast was almost two years ago when I was a freshman in college. It was a weir
Posted 8 years ago
I randomly came up with the recipe for this Tempeh Salad Sandwich a few years ago, and now it has become a sta
Posted 8 years ago
Last year was the first time that I have ever purchased a mango. I know, that sounds crazy! I liked them, but
Posted 8 years ago
Confession time: I am currently in Milan, Italy for the semester. Before I left I made enough recipes to post
Posted 8 years ago