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A perfect mid afternoon snack
Posted 12 years ago
I've made different variations on this pesto depending on what greens I have on hand. In addition to kale, I h
Posted 12 years ago
A delicious dessert that anyone can make easily.
Posted 12 years ago
Every Friday we buy a Challah. We usually eat it Friday night and use the leftovers for French toast breakfast
Posted 12 years ago
une recette de pissaladiere rapide et facile avec de la pâte feuilletée !
Posted 12 years ago
Il caldo dell'estate mi fa proporre una semplice ricetta a mo' di rinfrescante aperitivo per le nostre serate.
Posted 12 years ago
LIKE THE STATUE OF LIBERTY, we can thank the French for this one. Karen Le Billon, inspiring writer and autho
Posted 12 years ago
Few things in life are truly simple. My family is in the process of moving to a new house and I'm trying to si
Posted 12 years ago
On our recent trip to Scotland we were lucky enough to enjoy part of their spring. We had three days of 22°C
Posted 12 years ago
Spaghetti Gelato is so fun to make with Little Chefs! This idea came from Cafe Bella Rue. You can make this fo
Posted 12 years ago
My husband LOVES this meal. It's been a staple in our diet since we got married. I know that no matter what, i
Posted 12 years ago
we had a pork taco party the other night and decided to make our own homemade guacamole instead of buying it
Posted 12 years ago
Batido de Melocotón, Frambuesas y Anacardos es una de nuestras bebidas favoritas, lleva anacardos y son una S
Posted 12 years ago
An exceptional recipe if only for its innovative pairing of red wine with tuna, but in fact, for superb flavor
Posted 12 years ago
So the name behind this burger is totally a Tool reference, but it seemed highly appropriate.  Being from Cal
Posted 12 years ago
Siblings can be so similar and yet so different. This is true also of maki (sushi rolls). You have met Futomak
Posted 12 years ago
 I saw this recipe on Satisfy My Sweet Tooth and knew it would be the perfect way to use up some of the zucch
Posted 12 years ago
  From Sunset Magazine: Lemon Grilled Artichokes Ingredients 6 artichokes 1 tablespoon plus 1/2 teaspoon
Posted 12 years ago
August.  Where did you come from? I had about a hundred fun summery projects I wanted to do over the past few
Posted 12 years ago
International Scone Week, wow what a week. Ok so it's not a real event but Celia from Fig Jam and Lime Cordial
Posted 12 years ago
Sweet and spicy almonds are a very yummy, and very addictive snack.The combination of crunch, with a salty, sw
Posted 12 years ago
How to grill a t-bone steak!
Posted 12 years ago
Sweet and sour chicken is another popular Chinese dish which consists of bite sized chicken, fried and then co
Posted 12 years ago
Posted 12 years ago
Packed with fresh garden flavors. Recipe from
Posted 12 years ago
  Une recette qui sent  bon le soleil. Un tajine de poulet aux figues, un tajine très simple à faire
Posted 12 years ago
I’m always experimenting with new recipes and flavor combinations but there are a few classic food pairings
Posted 12 years ago
Years (and I mean years) ago I cut this recipe out of the newspaper and added it to my arsenal of ice cream r
Posted 12 years ago
At least once a week I am trying a new popsicle recipe. So far, the Korean melon popsicles have been the kids
Posted 12 years ago
A creamy parmesan orzo with shrimp, corn, zucchini, bacon and basil.
Posted 12 years ago
This creamy White Chocolate Pretzel Peanut Butter is creamy and crunchy from the salty pretzel pieces. This is
Posted 12 years ago
Sandwich for kids and adults... I love making sandwich; it's easy to make, it can be served for breakfast, lun
Posted 12 years ago
An easy no bake pie that is sure to be a show stopper at any picnic or party. A chocolate graham cracker crust
Posted 12 years ago
Three ways to eat sweet potato tacos, Plain Jane, Tuscan Kale, or Southern Style.
Posted 12 years ago
Thick slices of bread are soaked in vanilla custard and grilled. Topped with bourbon and brown sugar peaches,
Posted 12 years ago
Creamy baked pasta dish made with Hatch chile peppers
Posted 12 years ago