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These Korean style maki (rolls) are perfect picnic food. They're a little time consuming to make, but so easy
Posted 12 years ago
Here is a recipe that your kids are going to love: Pepperoni Chicken Pasta. My kids love it because it has pep
Posted 12 years ago
from Southern Living Magazine, December 2011
Posted 12 years ago
My mom has made these for years, and the whole family enjoys them. I usually make them around Christmas and Ne
Posted 12 years ago
                          This is such an eas
Posted 12 years ago
  I LOVE using up left overs. I find it wonderfully challenging to make them into something phenomenal
Posted 12 years ago
MY FIRST CAKE! (Not including the chocolate one. That one was kind of a gigantic brownie so it doesn't count).
Posted 12 years ago
After Christmas dinner, many of us have leftover turkey or chicken. I actually had deboned my turkey after Tha
Posted 12 years ago
Just incase you didn't know, the holidays are definitely not the right time to try to get in shape for the bea
Posted 12 years ago
Sorbete de piña congelada al cava, una bebida refrescante para tus fiestas y cumples. Congela la fruta
Posted 12 years ago
This month's Fresh from the Oven challenge was set by Michelle who blogs over at Utterly Scrummy Food For F
Posted 12 years ago
A super easy chili recipe you can make with items in your pantry! You don’t have to go to the store!
Posted 12 years ago
Going to my grandmother's house for Christmas was always a holiday tradition.  The smell of hot rolls baking
Posted 12 years ago
Recipe 100% from Nancy Silverton
Posted 12 years ago
Beef over rice is both an easy and tasty 30-minute meal. It’s ideal to make after work when you’re too ti
Posted 12 years ago
  I’ve been getting a lot of requests for Indian recipes so I thought I would give it a go with my vers
Posted 12 years ago
adapted from Cook’s Illustrated
Posted 12 years ago
"Mommy, will you make pancakes for breakfast?"  I hear this request almost every Friday and Saturday (and som
Posted 12 years ago
It's pizza and pasta combined into one easy dish. Rotini pasta, pasta sauce, italian turkey sausage, low fat c
Posted 12 years ago
From Jane Maynard, This Week for Dinner
Posted 12 years ago
I might need to rename this blog. I'm starting to see a theme. I wonder if "foodmostpeoplehate-butireallylovea
Posted 12 years ago
  verrines aux kiwis et mascarpone bonjour tout le monde, voila un délicieux dessert que j'ai préparer avec
Posted 12 years ago
A great alternative to store-bought sausage which is usually filled with cancer-causing nitrates & nitrite
Posted 12 years ago
Hi folks. Yah, yah, I know everyone uses swiss with ham but I love mozzarella so I used it. So sue me. Or the
Posted 12 years ago
Estás almejas al limón están la mar de riquísimas...
Posted 12 years ago
I can make a meal of these tasty little appetizers inspired by The Incredible Egg. These mini quiche are simpl
Posted 12 years ago
Vamos con una receta fácil y sencilla pero riquísima, piruletas de queso parmesano.
Posted 12 years ago
Vamos a dar forma a unos pimientos rellenos de tortilla, los cuales, pusimos para acompañar la carne de
Posted 12 years ago
El pasado día 24, en casa de mi madre, hicimos este timbal de confit de pato con puré de patatas
Posted 12 years ago
Lucky finally took Katie and I for our traditional Christmas walk yesterday. It’s usually reserved for the B
Posted 12 years ago
En plenas Navidades, lo que más se nos tercian son comidas contundentes y altas de colesterol, as&iacut
Posted 12 years ago
Vamos con un pudin de verduras el cual sale riquísimo y además apetecible en estas fechas.
Posted 12 years ago
Layers of sponge cake, liqueur, baked meringue and a chocolate ganache produce a beautiful and delicious cake.
Posted 12 years ago