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Holla holla lovassss. Can I just first say that I am soo happy with myself for these photos that I took? I kn
Posted 8 years ago
As a self-described taco connoisseur, I wanted to be able to have tacos for breakfast, lunch and dinner. This
Posted 8 years ago
These past few weeks, life has been insaaaaanely hectic. First I was in Chicago for the Nike #getouthere chall
Posted 8 years ago
Okay so realistically there is nothing Christmassy about this smoothie bowl, save for the fact that it is gre
Posted 8 years ago
Peas and carrots. Typically known for being the 'afterthought' of a vegetable addition to Thanksgiving dinner
Posted 8 years ago
After a weekend of eating out for every meal except breakfast (to recap: nachos Friday night, massive pizza Sa
Posted 9 years ago