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At last, it is starting to feel a little like Autumn. The mornings are cold and the days are not so hot. It's
Posted 6 years ago
Well, the seasons have officially changed! The sun is coming up later each day, and although it isn't cold yet
Posted 6 years ago
The summer harvest has started, and I'm once again the proud owner of oversized zucchinis. Seriously, you only
Posted 6 years ago
Do you know what I'm looking forward to at this time of year?? Salads. Lots of delicious salads. Ask me in aut
Posted 7 years ago
I always struggle to find motivation and creativity at this time of year. The short, cold days, combined with
Posted 8 years ago
As part of my job, I'm often cooking all sorts of things that I would never normally make at home. Usually it'
Posted 8 years ago
Well the cold weather has arrived with a vengeance around these parts. Inside, the fire is toasty warm so we k
Posted 8 years ago
During the Autumn holidays we went for a drive down to Canberra. We had a little shopping to do, and we also w
Posted 8 years ago
Growing up my parents always had a couple of passionfruit vines growing on the fence. Every summer we would be
Posted 8 years ago
The orchard has begun to bear some serious fruit. After last year where we got half a dozen apples, I wasn't q
Posted 8 years ago
There is something soothing about making bread. Kneading the dough until it is smooth and satiny - neither s
Posted 8 years ago
Autumn has arrived at last, and with it the Autumn harvest. Though the tomatoes have slowed down a little, the
Posted 8 years ago
It's a season of abundance here. The fruit trees are heavy laden, and the vegetables are ripening faster than
Posted 8 years ago
We are now well and truly inundated with fruit and vegetables from the garden. Each day sees more trays of tom
Posted 8 years ago
All the fruit trees along side the roads around here are laden with fruit at the moment. After living here for
Posted 8 years ago
I'm back at the farm after a week in the mountains with my family while the kids did some swimming lessons, an
Posted 8 years ago
One of the things I love about having primary aged children, is that they are so much more independent than li
Posted 8 years ago
There is an old mulberry tree down in the paddock behind the orchard. We think it was planted by CB's great gr
Posted 8 years ago
A decadent dessert with a slight sour note to cut through the richness,
Posted 8 years ago
How to make your own fruit leather in the oven
Posted 8 years ago
A few weeks ago, I talked about my jam glut. Yep there were (and still are) 17 jars of plum jam in the linen
Posted 8 years ago
Lemon meringue pie is my absolute favourite dessert. I'm super lucky too, because my mother in law makes the b
Posted 8 years ago
I'm not the most interesting person when it comes to lunches. In fact at work, I eat the same lunch every day.
Posted 8 years ago
On Friday and Saturday we had a beautiful hint of Spring. Lovely warm weather, and sunny days are on their way
Posted 9 years ago
A light, fruity dessert. Use stone fruit instead if you wish.
Posted 9 years ago
It has been cold and wet and windy all week - just the kind of weather which saps me of all inspiration when i
Posted 9 years ago
A zesty lemon slice
Posted 9 years ago
I'm beginning to wonder if I should start a series called "the pumpkin files" or something similar, because pu
Posted 9 years ago
Make and flavour your own microwave popcorn
Posted 9 years ago
It's been crazy few weeks here on the farm. The kids and I have all had colds, and Toby is still suffering. La
Posted 9 years ago
A delicious recipe to make your own caramelised onion
Posted 9 years ago
A recipe for a delicious breakfast cereal
Posted 9 years ago
I arrived home on Friday afternoon to find a ham bone in the fridge, defrosting. It was the leftovers from Chr
Posted 9 years ago
A recipe to make pear paste to serve on a cheese platter
Posted 9 years ago
A delicious summer salad recipe.
Posted 9 years ago
If you have been following my blog at all over the last month, you will have noticed that recipes containing s
Posted 9 years ago