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Yummy Chocolate Rollups from SimplyDeliciousLiving.TV When I was growing up, my Mom taught me how to bake a va
Posted 12 years ago
Yummy Chocolate Rollups from SimplyDeliciousLiving.TV When I was growing up, my Mom taught me how to bake a va
Posted 12 years ago
An easy way to doctor up can biscuits at dinner-time.
Posted 12 years ago
An easy way to doctor up can biscuits at dinner-time.
Posted 12 years ago
I love sweet potatoes! In fact I've loved them so much when I was pregnant with my daughter and eating one a d
Posted 12 years ago
Posted 12 years ago
Friend week is continuing on, and today's recipe is brought to us all by my friend Becky Romines.  Becky is a
Posted 12 years ago
The perfect way to start any day!
Posted 12 years ago
One of the most common desserts in Chinese restaurants is almond jelly -- cubes of almond-flavored jelly serve
Posted 12 years ago
I'm sad. Sad to my core. You know why? Because on Thursday Nov. 24th, I thanked my car, via blog post, for sti
Posted 12 years ago
This lasagna will knock your socks off. I promise. It is by far one of the best lasagna recipes I have ever ta
Posted 12 years ago
"When you are so busy working outside of your home, it's truly important to have the right people to support y
Posted 12 years ago
Bring this buttery, rich cake to a holiday brunch, or make one as a special morning treat for your family or w
Posted 12 years ago
A delicious, creamy, unexpected apple dessert.
Posted 12 years ago
With the holiday season now in full swing, I intend on eating light as much as possible throughout the week. 
Posted 12 years ago
This recipe for Sweet Potato/Yam Bread is the perfect way to use up any left overs you may have. Yams can be s
Posted 12 years ago
And so it begins.  Baking, eating, baking, eating...tight pants. But who can resist all the scrumptiousne
Posted 12 years ago
Quello appena trascorso è stato un "weekend" molto rilassante e a stretto contatto con la natura, caratterizz
Posted 12 years ago
This is a great way to make really good, full flavoured pizza sauce in your slow cooker. It's a fabulous sauce
Posted 12 years ago
This salad is so refreshing after the heavy holidays. Enjoy!
Posted 12 years ago
Homemade sweet cherry pie - sweet, sour, buttery perfection!
Posted 12 years ago
My mum and dad do a lot of good work for the Starlight Children's Foundation. If you haven't heard of them, th
Posted 12 years ago
Zucchini Besan Sabji, a dry vegetarian India recipe with zucchini and besan or gram flour.
Posted 12 years ago
If you are like me you have a million things on your list when it comes to hosting a gathering. With all my re
Posted 12 years ago
These Giant Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies are everything you could ask for in a cookie - and more! This is my f
Posted 12 years ago
Confiture d'Oranges bonjour tout le monde, c’est déjà la saison de l’orange  et déjà mon époux comme
Posted 12 years ago
I didn’t even know that this cheese could be found in another country,  but when I searched it on the Inter
Posted 12 years ago
Okay, I might just have to make egg rolls all the time. They were so much easier than expected! And, because I
Posted 12 years ago
Sunday dinner, or “supper” as we called it, was always a special time for my family, the one meal that we
Posted 12 years ago
El Curry Más Fácil y Deliciosa Que Has Probado! Source Cuando hace frío y quiero comer algo rápido, sano y
Posted 12 years ago
Pollo al horno a baja temperatura
Posted 12 years ago
These cookies have to be refrigerated for at least an hour before cutting and baking.
Posted 12 years ago
The holidays are here - Cyber Monday craziness has started.  I wanted to kick off our holiday cooking with a
Posted 12 years ago
The holidays are here - Cyber Monday craziness has started.  I wanted to kick off our holiday cooking with a
Posted 12 years ago
The BEST potato soup out there, bacon, salty, cheesy goodness!
Posted 12 years ago
This vegan lasagna with mushrooms recipe will be loved even by the pickiest eaters! It's the perfect, healthy
Posted 12 years ago